ex EPSCreator
Automate your EPS creation including fonts
ex EPSCreator XTension automates EPS, PS and PDF creation, with embedded fonts. In QuarkXPress, the XTension checks defined folders for incoming documents. It automates file generation in QuarkXPress embedding all the required fonts with the new file(s). Workflow of i.e. ad production is now faster and easier.
In the preferences, you define: suffix, format, size, scale, data and OPI information and define whether you wish to preview. In the preferences dialog you also determine which fonts should or should not be included with the file. If you wish to take advantage of automatic EPS, PS or PDF generation, all you need is an existing dedicated computer with QuarkXPress. It just watches the folder you have assigned as your import folder, or in which the ads created in QuarkXPress have been saved to. The XTension automatically loads the files, creates an EPS, PS or PDF with the embedded fonts and saves it to the pre-defined destination folder for further production. Simple as that. If the XTension has a problem generating the export files, it will then send it directly to the destination folder for errors. In addition, various settings can be determined in ex EPS Creator for data and graphic formats as well as OPI.
Within QPS, the XTension looks for a certain predefined status to have been reached. It then checks out the document, creates the EPS and checks it back in at a new status.
Remember to respect the licensing requirements of your font providers.